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I can't believe he gives me such a hard time!"
Well that night we went to Sam's and what would I see but
As only Sam's can do it, mega pork rinds! After my encounter with Anna I put this in my cart because pork rinds are good for you! Then it hit me - I had bought into the lie. When we want something to look good, we compare it to something that looks worse.We do this in our spiritual lives.Paul says in 2Cor 10:12,18 (NLT)
But they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant!When people commend themselves, it doesn’t count for much. The important thing is for the Lord to commend them.
Non- Christians and Christians alike are guilty of this. I once shared with a guy and he said, "Jim, if I am going to hell it is going to be packed because I'm the best person I know." What was he doing - he was comparing his righteousness to those around him and he came out looking pretty good. The problem is that the standard we are compared to is not fellow sinful humans(BBQ chips), it is the perfection of God. God is perfect, Heaven is sinless, and we can't approach that glory in our sinful states. That is why "God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Jesus we might become righteous." (2Cor5:21) He took all our sins and took them on Him on the cross(1Pet.2:24) because the "soul that sins - it shall die"(Ezek.18:20) , the penalty for sin is death(Rom. 6:23), and "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins."(Heb.9:22)
Like I said, Christians aren't off the hook as to this wrong thinking. When Jesus met with his disciples and ate fish with them after His resurrection, he told Peter about Peter's great but painful future and Peter responded to this by pointing at John and saying,"what about him?" We often live a comfortable and safe, and non-sacrificial, not completely sold out nor obedient,non- radical Christian life because we compare ourselves to everyone else in the body and think we are doing really well. The problem is that God has a plan for my life that is different from everyone else's and I will answer to him for what I've done with what He has given me not what He has given someone else and how I did compared to them. (Matt 25:15-23)
So let's stop comparing ourselves to others and compare ourselves to Christ. Not only is He the ultimate standard and example, but He puts His very life inside of those who have received Him to help them grow into this impossible task of living up to perfection.