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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kid's Devotion - Should Christians be "green"?

1. Watch the video
2. Doug Trivia - what is the name of the recycling business in Bluffington?
3. What was Doug's mom's #1 concern?
4. What was Doug's and Skeeter's #1 concern?
5. How did Doug and Skeeter incorporate his mom's concern with theirs?
6. Read 2Thes. 1:12 and Ps. 106:47 According to these verses and many others, why did God save us?
What is the function of creation?
8. Read Gen. 2:15.  What was Adam's job from the beginning?
9. In lieu of all these things, come up with a philosophy on environmentalism.

Note to parents;
This one admittedly is a little heavy for kids. However, they are inundated with environmentalism in school from an early age. Global warming, recycling, polar bears floating away (don't they swim?) fill their curricula. How are we as Christians to view these things. I think we can be on board with them for totally different reasons. They are teaching them from the view that the Earth is our Mother. We have evolved from the primorial soup millions of years ago as did all the animals. They are part of us and we should treat them all with respect.(Why do they value whales more than fetuses and isn't it good when species become extinct? Survival of the fittest - you know?) Also they feel that this Earth needs to continue forever because they don't believe in the eventual recreation when Christ comes back. We don't believe in either of those things. We however believe that God made us and nature to Glorify Him. When God made the Earth He said it was good. It is His masterpiece. How can we not take care of it like curators in a museum taking care of works of art? This was Adam's job from the beginning. Also, in light of the fact that the world feels this strongly about environmentalism, what a bad witness for us to litter or not take care of the Earth. We like Doug have an agenda. The world, like Mrs. Funnie has another. It is possible in this instance to make our agendas meld.

Kid's Devotion - Being Kind to Your Enemies

1. Watch the above video
2. Doug Trivia - What troop number does Doug belong to?
3. In what ways was Roger mean to Doug?
4. How could Doug have gotten even?
5. Has anyone ever been mean to you or bullied you?
6. Have you gotten even with them?
7. Read Luke 6:27-38  How does Jesus say we should treat bullies?
8. Did it change Roger?

Note to parents;
          In this episode, Doug is bullied by Roger. This is a reality with kids growing up; they will be bullied especially as Christians - the Devil will see to that. (See the preceeding verses 22,23) How are they/we to respond? We are to kill them with kindness. How can we possibly do that? On our own, we can't, but remind them, if they have asked Jesus into their hearts He will give them the ability to do it because He was able. Talk with them about mean kids at school and what they can do to be nice to them. Discuss why these kids might be mean and teach them to sympathize and pray for them. Also tell them that just like Roger they may not change but God is possibly more interested in us changing than them.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Kids Devotion - Inferiority Complexes

1. Watch the video
2. Doug trivia - What dance did Doug invent?
3. Why was Doug not going to the dance even though he was going to dance with Patty?
4. Who told him he didn't know how to dance?
5. Why did Roger tell him that?
6. What did Roger tell him would happen if he tried to dance?
7. How did Doug get over his fears?
8. Read Nehemiah 4:1-6 . Sanballat and Tobiah didn't want Nehemiah to rebuild the wall for their own selfish reasons. How did they try to stop him?
9. Read Nehemiah 6:5-9  How did they try to stop him a second time.
10. Has anyone ever told you that you were bad at something or didn't know how to do something?
      How did it make you feel?
      Have you ever said that do someone?
      Why did you say it?
      Have you ever been like Patty or Skeeter and tried to encourage someone who felt inferior?

Note to parents/ teachers

     Kids can be very cruel. They may tell other kids that they can't sing, draw, play sports. They may tell them they look funny when they do something or wear something. And usually it is because of ulterior motives - they want to be the best. When kids are told things like this they need to ask
1) Does this person have something to gain by me quitting?
2) Is the person my true friend?
3) Am I afraid of being laughed at?
4) Have I received compliments in those areas before by people I trust?
5) What do my parents think?
     Note that when someone cuts you down and makes you feel inferior, it is hard to overcome. However it can be. First of all, like Nehemiah, turn to the Lord. He is the only One you need to impress and his praise is the only praise you should seek. Secondly turn to friends. They will encourage you. And always be that kind of friend. Never be like Roger, Sanballat or Tobiah! Be like Patty and Skeeter and tell people how awesome they are and say, "yes you can!"

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Growing in Christ Bible Study Genesis to Revelation Week 16

Read Numbers 17-36

1. Read 1 Cor. 10:1-11. With that in mind listen to the following Keith Green song (late 70's) while filling out the chart on grumbling

Passage              What they grumbled about           God's response          Lesson for me   

Exodus 15:22-27                                                                                                                  

Exodus 16:1-                                                                                                                      

Ex. 17:1-7                                                                                                                                                    

Num. 11:1                                                                                                                                                       

Num. 11:4                                                                                                                                                        

Num 14:1-4                                                                                                                                                       

Num. 16:3                                                                                                                                                      

Num. 16:41                                                                                                                                                 

Num. 20:2,3                                                                                                                       

Num. 21:5                                                                                                                     

2. Read Hebrews 3:7 - 4:7. What 2 things is the promised land symbolic of            



What is the wilderness symbolic of ?                                                         

List 4 ways a person gets stuck in the wilderness:

Heb 3:19_______________________________________________________

Heb 4:2_______________________________________________________

Heb 4:6______________________________________________________

Num. 32:11__________________________________________________

Read Heb. 3:13. What practical tip does the author of Hebrews give to avoid this trap?

Read Num.21:8,9 and John 3:14,15. Once in the wilderness, how do we get out?

3. Read Num.20:7-12. Give 4 reasons why Moses wasn't allowed to go into the promised land:

Num 27:14____________________________________________________

________________________________________________Num 20:10,12

Heb 6:4-6___________________________________________________

____________________________________________________Gal 3:11

4. Read Numbers 22 - 24. If Balaam hung a sign outside his house, what would it say? (Josh.13:22)

Do we have people with similar occupations today?

Why do you think God was going to kill Balaam after telling him he could go? (2Pet. 2:15, Jude 1:11)

Do you think angels, today, stand ready to kill believers who are getting ready to defect?

Can you think of any illustrations of people you know of where that may have happened?

What did Balak do after Balaam blessed the Israelites?

Read Ps. 119:89. Balak thought God's word would change from different views. What do we learn about God's word from this passage in Psalms?

In Num 24:14 Balaam appears to give Balak some advice. Look at 31:15,16. What advice does it appear he gave? (Rev.2:14)

What happened to Balaam in the end?

5. After the Israelites defeated the Midianites, the commanders did something that illustrates that this may be a whole new breed of Israelites, ready to go into the land. Read Num. 31:48-50 and explain what they did and why.

6. Who was the next leader of the Israelites going to be?                          Look at the following passages and tell how he was exquisitely trained for this job.

Exodus 17:9-14                                                                                 

Ex. 24:13                                                                        

Ex. 32:15-18                                                                            

Ex. 33:11                                                                        

Num. 11:24-29                                                                          

Num. 14:1-9                                                                      

7. Read Numbers 32. What did these 2 1/2 tribes ask Moses for?

Was Moses happy with this request?

What do you suppose (guess) made them settle for this land?

What were some warning signs that they were doing the wrong (less than the best) thing?

Read 1Chron 5:24-26 and Matthew 8:28-34. What eventually happened to these 2 1/2 tribes?

Note to teachers/students

It is amazing the amount of grumbling the Israelites did. To think that God wasn't able to feed them or give them water after miraculously delivering them from Egypt is astounding. We get warnings in the NT that we can become just like this, too, so we need to be careful. It is important to be in fellowship so we can encourage each other during the tough times. It is helpful also to write down answers to prayer so when we forget all the things He has done or His power, we can refer to those. Just remember, in the NT when anyone would ask Jesus for a sign or prove Himself, Jesus would refer to the sign of Jonah basically saying "I'm going to die for you and raise from the dead - what else do you need." The Israelites except for Joshua and Caleb didn't know God - they knew Him second hand through Moses which won't get you through the tough times. How well do you know God? He tore the curtain so we can boldly go into His presence. Are we taking advantage of that wonderful blessing? If not, expect grumbling and wilderness living in your future.
        Speaking of the wilderness, it symbolizes a life of unfulfilled, restless, aimless living of the person who has trusted Christ for salvation but yet due to unbelief, lack of faith, disobedience, and half-hearted commitment to Christ just won't go "all in" for Him. They are scared of total commitment - leaving everything behind and despite their fears and feelings of inadequacy go full speed ahead into the promised land of the abundant radical Christian life. We can only guess at why the Reubenites, Gadites, and half tribe of Mannassah settled for the land outside of the promised land but I would guess they were just weary of being a sojourner and settled for suitable rather than incredible. We are in danger of the same thing, too. It is very easy to get comfortable on Earth and make our home here rather than Heaven. We need to continue to encourage our brothers and sisters not to lose heart and remind them of the reality and immenence of Heaven. How do we know if we are settling for less than God's best? Are we doing things now that God has forbidden in the past? Does it seem that the rest of the church is headed in a different direction than you? Are you missing out on fellowship? Are you continually having to build up "walls" to protect you from the influence of the World because you are so close to it? Balaam was playing both sides and you see how that worked out for him. Because of their proximity to the world (see Lot study in Genesis), they were the first to be picked off by the Assyrians and in the NT we see them as pig farmers who begged Christ to leave when He revealed His power to them.
           One other thing to learn from this passage is the importance of discipling people. Moses took a young man named Joshua under his wing and took him into God's presence with him, taught him to distinguish between good and evil, taught him when he had success it was not because of his ability but because of God, taught him to be humble and look out for spiritual pride, and then he was able to have faith in God when the whole nation cowered. When the time was right, Moses gradually gave him more and more jobs until Joshua was able to replace Moses. Do we have anyone in our lives that we are mentoring/ discipling. Or do we need to be mentored. If so, find a Godly role model, and ask them if they would disciple you.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Growing in Christ Bible Study Genesis to Revelation Week 15

Read  Numbers 1-16

1. Look at the following illustration. List some things that stand out to you.

      Notice God was in the center, the heart of the camp. In the new covenant (us) where is God according to 1Cor. 6:19 and Eph. 3:17?

          How should that change our mindset in regards to how we behave day to day?

         How does that change your mindset about the church building?

        Read Lev. 24:10-23 and Num.15:32-36. What were these 2 put to death for?

        Now read John 8:3-11 and Col. 3:5-8. Using the above concepts, how have things changed in the new covenant?

2. Read Lev. 27:26. Why couldn't they dedicate the firstborn animal to the Lord?

     Read Heb. 12:22,23. What are we believers called in this passage?

     Read Rom. 8:15-17. In what way can we be considered "firstborn"/

     What does that say about dedication and rededication services?

3. Read Proverbs 3:9 and James 1:18. What are we referred to as in James?

     What is to be done with Firstfruits?

     So, like the firstborn, who do we belong to as Christians?

4. Read Num. 8:15-19, 3:5-13, 1:47-53, 18:6-32. List 5 things you learned about The Levites






    Read 1Pet. 2:9. What are we as Christians referred to?

    Like firstborn and firstfruits, what does being called "priests" tell us about our standing as compared to the Levites?

5. Read Num. 12:3. Now read the following passages and describe how they illustrate the fact that Moses was the most humble man on Earth.

     Num. 12:1-13

     Num 11:24-29

    Num. 14:10-16

     Num 16:42-48

6. Read Num. 13 - 14:11.
       What did Joshua and Caleb believe about God?

       Why did the other 10 spies believe about the Canaanites?

         How did God view their opinion?

          God had promised to give them the land. Why do you suppose He had Moses send out spies?

          Read Num. 14:20-37. What was God's judgement on the people?

          Why do you think he spared everyone under 20? (see also Deut.1:39, 2:14-16 and Num 26:2)

7. Read  Num. 14:40-45 and Isa. 64:6. What does this tell you about our "good" deeds?

  Notes to students/ teachers

 The Israelites stretched out some estimate square miles. They camped according to tribes arranged with the tabernacle - presence of God - in the center/heart of the camp. To approach the presence of God could only be done by the priests and Levites and then only with great reverence, caution, and fear. Now that Christ has come and has gone into the holy of holies in heaven with His own blood, we can enter boldly into God's presence any time of the day without an earthly mediator going for us. The veil has been torn, praise God! Not only that but now God doesn't dwell in man made structures but actually lives inside of us. If you put a head, arms, and legs on the diagram of the Israelite camp, that is a picture of the new covenant. Christ is in our "hearts". We don't go to church to be in God's presence, we are in it constantly. To act reverently at church but not in our daily lives is to demonstrate a lack of understanding. To insist on standing when reading the Word at church but not at home or many other such acts of piety that aren't done through the week, in my mind is inconsistant. The updated diagram also explains certain things like why don't we put fornicators, adulterers, blasphemers, violaters of the Sabbath, etc. to death anymore? In the old covenant, those sinners were individuals and part of the body and were therefore removed. Now we(individually) are the body of Christ and sins such as these in our body must be put to death, not our whole body.
   The whole symbolism of Firstborn, Firstfruits, and Levites is intriguing because we as believers in the NT are referred to as firstborn, firstfruits, and priests. What these have in common is they belong to the Lord completely. The whole idea of dedicating our lives to the Lord (although an incredible spiritual milestone in my life), is actually a misnomer because we already are dedicated. The idea of giving a tenth to the Lord is confusing when everything we think we own actually belongs to the Lord. The idea of chasing after earthly possessions shows a lack of understanding because God IS our possession.
    We as Christians are called to be humble. What a great character study Moses is. Here he is the leader of a nation of millions who is the only person ever to talk to God face to face and who just defeated the most powerful king and nation in the world - yet he is approachable, caring, unafraid of sharing his power, not offended when his authority is challenged, longsuffering, more concerned about his cousin's reputation than his, let people choose not to follow his advice, and when given the chance to have his name made even greater chose to have God's name made greater instead. How are you matching up with Moses?
    Just a few thoughts on the rebellion at Kadesh as this will be discussed more in the next section. When we don't trust God to come through or believe what he says, He views this as contempt. I believe He had them send out spies to test them. It's like He was going to give them one more chance to reveal their faith after grumbling and not believing Him "10 times" and they failed again. After all He had done for them and revealed to them His power, He says basically they don't deserve to enter the land, he will give it to their children. The NT states unless we become like children we can't enter the Kingdom of God. The kids under 20 were considered innocent of the rejection of God, rebellion, and unbelief. Maybe God has an older age of accountability than we generally do. Maybe it is because they weren't allowed to participate in battle until 20 so they couldn't be held accountable for being afraid to going to war. Whatever it was, everyone over 20 will die in the wilderness in the upcoming chapters. The people then tried to do a "good thing" and go to battle but now God wasn't behind it and they were defeated. What a great picture of the unbeliever trying to do good things to get to the "promised land'. God says, "believe Me and I will take you there." Mankind says, "I will get to the promised land on my own strength by doing good deeds and that will please God and He will let me in". That isn't how it works