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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why Work?

       I was reading where 10 people split a $150 million Jackpot and they interviewed each one and asked what they were going to do now. Every one of them said "quit my job". I found that fascinating. Would you quit your job if you won the lottery? If the only reason we work is because WORK = $$$ then if you get enough $$$ you might as well quit work. What I want to address is that there is so much more to work than money and try to give you a 7 point Biblical view of "Why Work?". Women, points 1 and 3 may not apply but the rest certainly does.
        1. Work is part of our nature - When everything was right in the universe what did we do - work (Gen. 2:15) When everything will be right in the universe what will we do - work. (Rev. 22:3,5) Work gives us joy and fulfillment. (Ecc. 2:24, 3:22, 8:15) Have you seen an unemployed guy or a Mr. Mom? Sure they like it for a while but eventually they are miserable, unfulfilled, and feel unrespected as a man. It is "in us" to work. That is how we are "wired".
        2. It is sinful to be lazy - Proverbs 6:5-10, 15:19, 21:25,26 and Ecc. 10:15 all refer to the sluggard as being unrighteous, not upright, and a fool. God is pleased when we work (He did- Genesis 1 and still does John 5:17)  because it is His character, too.Also, when we don't work and are idle, we tend to gravitate toward sinful behavior. (2 Thes.3:11,12) It is important to stay busy.
        3. To meet our NEEDS and our family's NEEDS - This is the whole WORK=$$$ argument. We need to work to eat and if we don't work we don't deserve to eat (2Thes. 3:7-11). If we aren't meeting our family's needs we are worse than an unbeliever. (1Tim. 5:7-9). The question is what about our WANTS? That question is much more individual and beyond the scope of this blog but use 1Timothy 6:6-10 as a warning. Could it be that your wants are the impetus for your dual income living?
       4. To serve - God is continually sanctifying us in the "serving" area because this is so contrary to who we are. The 2 greatest commands are to Love God and Love your neighbor. We learn in 1Cor. 13 "the greatest of these is love". God is Love. What is "Love"? Andrew Murray says "Love is the deep desire to give itself up for the beloved." It is all about considering others above ourselves. The opposite of love is not hate it is selfishness. So as God changes us through the Holy Spirit indwelling us, His biggest job is getting us to die to ourselves. 3 areas he uses in us as men are marriage (I'm convinced all fights stem from selfishness), fathering (are you going to give up doing what you want to do to do what your child wants and needs to do?), and work.
              Col. 3:22-24 talks about when we serve our boss we are actually serving Christ. How often do we hear people complain, "I am making minimum wage while this company is making millions off of me. Its not fair." Brothers, this is the goal of work, to make those who hired us rich. We should be thrilled that our serving them has blessed them! That is our goal but it is SO contrary to our nature. And if you happen to be a boss your goal should be to advance those "below" you. You are responsible for meeting their needs, getting their kids an education, their health, retirement, and even career advancement to the point they outgrow you, even. You are serving them. Thats Biblical.
          5. To witness - People are always asking me, "When are you going to retire?" Do I look that old? I guess I am 55 so most people work 7 - 10 more years. The problem is my work enables me to have at least 50 witnessing contacts per day. Where would I get that if I retired? There are multiple ways to witness at work but Titus 2:9,10 talks about what a great witness our integrity can be. Do you see work as your missionfield? Do I see myself as a doctor who happens to be a Christian or a Christian who happens to be a doctor? That is what makes all the difference.
                        Also, according to 1Thes. 4:11,12, if we aren't working and are dependent on other people, it is hard to win the "outsiders'" respect. In other words, it is tough to witness to your unsaved neighbors (or be a witness) and be at home not working while they are. It just doesn't give the gospel the platform it deserves. They won't hear it because they will be stumbling over you.
          6. To provide for the poor - Eph. 4:28 is as clear as can be. Do you ever think, "I hope I get a good bonus so I can give it to the Rescue Ministry"? Every day I read my One Year Bible, the "poor" jump off the page at me. Yesterday it was Isa. 58:6,7,10 today it is Isa. 61:1-3, Ps.72:12-14. It's in there!
         7. To provide for ministries sacrificially - Acts 4:32,33. You are the reason pastors can pastor, missionaries can mission, ministries can minister. That is why we work. Note to ministries; points 1-7 also apply to you.
   Work is not our punishment from the "Fall". It is God's character and if we want to follow God and experience life as He has planned for us, rethink WORK.

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