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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Growing in Christ Bible Study Genesis to Revelation. Week 3

Genesis 4-11

Read Gen 6:5 and 8:21. What was the condition of man's heart?

Read Ps. 14:2,3. Is it still that way?

Do we sin because we are sinners or are we sinners because we sin?               Explain.

What are some evidences of the wickedness of men's hearts:
        Gen. 4:23,24

        Gen. 9:21

        Gen. 9:22

        Gen. 10:8

        Gen. 11:4

What was God's punishment for these sinful behaviors:
       Gen. 6:3

       Gen. 6:7

       Gen. 8:20

       Gen 9:5,6

      Gen. 11:7

Why was Noah excluded from punishment?

      Gen. 6:8,9

      Gen. 6:22, 7:1

      Ezek. 14:14,20

      Heb. 11:7

      2Pet. 2:5

What are some spiritual principles to be learned from Noah

     2Pet. 3:3-9

    2Pet 2:5,9

    Luke 17:26,27

    Ps. 29:10

    1Cor. 7:13,14

Watch the following videos that talk about some of the scientific implications of the flood. List 3 of them




Note to teachers. This lesson shows that sin, once introduced into the human race, runs rampant. There is nothing good in any of us because we are all sinners from birth. (Ps. 51:5, Rom. 5:12-20) We all deserved to die because of our sins but Noah received grace from the Lord because he had a love for God. That didn't save him, just like it didn't save Cornelius (Acts 10). It was his faith (Heb. 11:7) demonstrated by his works that saved him from the flood. Because of that faith, his whole family was saved. (although they still had to enter the ark, forsaking the world and believing God). We learn that God is just and punishes sin although his mercy and forbearance is great. He does provide a way to escape, though which is by faith. If you are an adherent to the pre-wrath rapture, Noah is a good case study for this. 

There is also a lot to learn scientifically from this passage. We learn how the fossils were laid down, how to interpret the geological strata of the Earth, rainbows, the formation of languages and races, the reformation of the earth's surface (i.e. the Garden of Eden no longer exists), the eating of animals, capital punishment, background radiation and shortened life span, the problems with radiometric dating, and multiple other factors depending on how deep you want to go. (Yes I adhere to ICR)


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