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Monday, October 27, 2014

5 Minute Devotions to Give Using Object Lessons - Firehelmet

   5 Minute Devotions to Give Using Object Lessons - Firehelmet


 Get a toy firehelmet at Firehouse Subs or at some toy store. Put it on and say," Someone gave me this fire helmet and I'm so excited because I'm a fireman now. I wanted to be one since I was a little kid... What? I see some puzzled looks." Allow responses. Most of them will be "Just because you put on a helmet doesn't make you a fireman". Ask, "Why not, what would make me a fireman?" Responses would be "you sign up", "you study", "you train", "you hang out with firemen", and "you fight fires"!
    You know, you are right. Just wearing this toy helmet makes me no more a fireman than sleeping in a garage makes me a car- just like going to Chick-Fil-A makes me a chicken sandwich. The same is true for being a Christian. A lot of people think that going to Church makes them a Christian. They put on the Church clothes, the Godliness façade, and think they are checking God's boxes for entry to Heaven, even if it is only Christmas and Easter.
   So how do you become a Christian? First is sign up. What do I mean by that? You have to admit you aren't a child of God, but you want to be. Tell Him. If you admit you are a sinner and you want to be admitted to His family, confess your sins to Him and ask for His forgiveness which He gives freely through the death of His son on the cross (John 3:16)
   Second, study and train and fellowship. He gave you His instruction manual on how to get to know Him and live a life pleasing to Him. Read the Bible. Go to Church. Join a Bible study. Memorize scripture. Did you know that's what Paul did for a few years before he became the apostle who changed the world.
   Third - fight fires. Real Christians love the poor, they serve the less fortunate. They share the gospel boldly. James 1:22 says "Be doers of the word, not hearers only deceiving yourself" What are they deceiving themselves of? If you aren't behaving like a Christian, then you aren't one. In Matt 7 and Luke 13 people come to Jesus when He shuts the door to them to Heaven and say, "Wait a second, didn't we hang out with you? We know you... and He will say "depart from me you evildoers I don't know who you are."

   I know this is hardcore but you know that there are a lot of phonies out there. Do you want to be one of them? Come join us putting out hells fires!

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