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Friday, July 7, 2017

Kids Video Devotion - Temptation

1. Watch this Episode of SpongeBob called "Hooky"

2. SpongeBob trivia
     When was the last time there was a "break" at the Krusty Krab?
      What were the two names Mr. Krabs called SpongeBob?
3. What were all the bad things that could happen to you if a hook caught you?

4. What did people think about Mr. Krabs? How do you think that affected their warning about the hooks?

5. Read Genesis 3:1-7   What was the "hook" in the garden?  How was the snake like Patrick? What did the snake imply about God?

6. What are the temptations in your life? What are the end results of giving in to those temptations?

7. How can you have victory over those temptations?

Note to parents;  In this episode, we see the introduction of hooks into SpongeBob's world with real danger attached to them. You and your kids will be faced with temptations like these in life just like our first parents were in the garden. How do we avoid giving in to temptations? SpongeBob tried with all his might but couldn't. One is to surround yourself with friends who make wise choices, unlike Patrick. Second is to avoid roads or paths that have "hooks" on them. Third is to avoid idleness. If SpongeBob lazy pants hadn't gone on a break, he would have not encountered temptation. But lastly, and most importantly, flee from sin because you love and respect God. No one respected Mr. Krabs and thus no one heeded his warnings. Look at Joseph in Gen.39 :6-10  He, like Adam had a hook and that was Potiphar's wife. He, however, beat the temptation because he didn't want to wrong Potiphar who he respected and was grateful to. We should love God so much that we resist temptation because it would hurt Him. Once again, instilling a love for God and a relationship with God in your kids is of prime importance.

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