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Monday, October 14, 2024

Thoughts From 1 Timothy - Day 1

  Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope, To Timothy my true son in the faith: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.  1 Timothy 1:1,2

             Paul must have been amazed every time he called himself an apostle of Jesus, being a previous persecutor of all who believed in Jesus to the point where he was probably instrumental in the death of people in the early church. Yet God saved him and commanded him to be a sent out one (apostle) to Jews and Gentiles in unreached areas.

           No wonder this title led him to speak of mercy, grace and peace. Mercy is not getting what you deserve. Paul deserved the same thing back that he dished out and he didn't get it. Actually he sort of did but it wasn't from the church; it was from the people whose side he was previously on. The world loves you when you are singing their tune but they hang you out to dry when you quit.

       Grace is getting what you don't deserve. Paul deserved wrath from God, yet he received a calling, a new family, and a home in Heaven where I believe he will be rewarded with the same honor as the 12, taking Judas' spot. (Just a theory)

        Finally he received peace. Jesus said "why do you keep kicking against the goads?". In other words Paul's life prior to conversion was one of pain, frustration, inner turmoil. After salvation he knew the Truth and didn't have to fight against God and be His enemy but rather His friend and be empowered by Him. Christians should be characterized by a sense of peace. We don't have to fear like the world does because we know who is in control and we know how the story ends, and it's a happy ending.

       The other consideration with the "apostle" title is why this is preserved for us today. In order for books/ letters to be included in the Bible, they had to be penned by someone with apostolic authority. Paul, by calling himself an apostle, God ordained not self ordained, is lending God's stamp of approval to this epistle and everything you read from hereon in this letter, even though he was penning the words, it was equal to God penning the words. It is truth and should be received that way.

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