Scholars all agree that Daniel 8 talks about the Medo Persian empire being overtaken by Alexander the Great and after his untimely (there's no such thing with God) death, he divides the kingdom between 4 generals, the most prominent being the Seleucids in the North and the Ptolemies in the south. Eventually a king arises named Antiochus, who gives himself a god-like name, Epiphanes, who then proceeds to terrorize Israel and desecrate the temple by offering a pig on the altar, making the priests eat its flesh, fornicate in the temple, put out the candles, set up a statue of Zeus in the temple and sprinkle pig's blood throughout. He is the abomination of desolation - yet Jesus in Matthew 24:15 talks about the abomination as having not yet come? Why? Because the Bible is filled with prophecies with dual fulfillment. Let's discuss 10 of them.
1. Abomination of desolation - Antiochus Epiphanes is spoken of in Daniel yet the Antichrist will come in the last days and at the 3.5-year mark of the tribulation, will defile the temple and bring about great persecution and be the dual fulfillment of this prophecy
2. "A virgin will conceive..." - Ahaz was about to be conquered. It was too late for the Northern kingdom who due to their wickedness were about to be overrun by the Assyrians. Isaiah gave the king a prophecy that a young virgin would conceive, have a baby, and before it could become a toddler, defeat would come. This came true but yet a second fulfillment of this prophecy came true with Jesus, Matthew 1:23, who was born of virgin Mary.
3. "I will pour out my Spirit..." - Joel 2:28,29 says that in the last days God will pour out his Spirit and the disciples preached this at Pentecost as having happened in Acts 2:17,18. Yet a second fulfillment is coming. Joel 2:30,31 along with 3:1,2 describe wonders in the heavens and Earth which relate to the 7 years of tribulation, so there will be a second pouring out in the end times which many people believe will happen to the Jewish nation with great revival.
4. David's son will build the temple and sit on the throne - 2Samuel 7:11-13 is a prophecy from Nathan telling David that his son, Solomon, would be the next king and build the temple. But then he goes on to say that he will sit on the throne forever. Solomon? No, Jesus. Jesus, from the line of David, will be king forever. (Luke 1:32,33)
5. Gog and Magog - There will be a battle involving Gog and Magog described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. This has not occurred yet, but we anticipate it coming in the near future. There is another battle of Gog and Magog discussed in Revelation 20:7-9 which is completely different and so we can only assume that this is a later one probably during the tribulation.
6. "all things under his feet" - Psalms 8:4-6 discusses creation and how God has put mankind in charge of creation, and we are to take dominion. Yet we see in Hebrews 2:7-9, this also was fulfilled in Jesus who has been given all authority in Heaven and Earth.
7. Elijah is coming - This may be a triple prophecy! Malachai 4:5,6 says that before the Messiah comes, Elijah will come to introduce him. This is why Jews, even today, leave an empty chair at Seder as a sign they are waiting for him. Jesus states in Matthew 17:12 that John the Baptist is who that was referring to. Yet we see at the transfiguration, the actual Elijah shows up and in the last days, Rev.11:3, it is believed that one of the 2 "witnesses" will be Elijah. As someone in my life group said, "He ain't gettin' no rest!"
8.A new covenant is coming - Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Ezek.36:24-31 speak of a New covenant coming where we are not under the law but under grace. The Holy Spirit will no longer come and go upon people but will come to live inside believers and change them internally. This happens in Acts 2. However, inside these passages, as in Joel, we see a later time prophesied where Israel will receive an outpouring and there will be a revival among the Jews.
9. The Kingdom of God - Jesus announced, and had the disciples announce that the Kingdom of God had come to Earth when He began his ministry. We also know, in the Lord's prayer, He instructs us to pray that His kingdom will come. God will, when He returns to judge the Earth, set up His kingdom here on Earth.
10.Roman Empire - Daniel 2 talks about the Roman empire taking over the Greeks. Yet the Roman Empire has come and gone and the rock that's going to knock it over and set up an eternal kingdom, technically can't unless there is a revived Roman Empire. Therefore, although the legs of the statue in Daniel 2 and the beast with iron teeth in Daniel 7 has come, it must come again in the future - a dual fulfillment.
The Bible has complex prophecies and just as the Jews missed the dual prophecies of the Messiah, the suffering servant and later the conquering king (okay, 11 dual prophecies), we must make sure we interpret prophecy carefully, lest we miss it's fulfillment.
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