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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Growing in Christ Bible Study Genesis to Revelation Week 6

Genesis 22

1. How did God test Abraham?

2. Read the following passages to gain some insight into why God tests us and record your thoughts on each passage:

         2Cor. 12:7

         John 6:5-7

         Deut 13:3-4

       2Chron. 32:31

       Luke 22:31,32

       James 1:1-12

       Deut 8:2-18

      Judges 3:1-4

       Jer. 35

       Why did He test Abraham in your opinion?

3. Read Heb. 11:17-19. How was Abraham able to do this awful/amazing deed?

          Read Heb 2:15. How does faith deliver us from the fear of death?

4. How is Genesis 22 symbolic of Christ. (List 2 ways)



5. Read James 2:21-24 and Gen. 22:16-18. Does this teach that we are saved by faith plus works?

    What did Abraham have to do in Gen. 12:1-3?

     What did Abraham have to do in Gen. 15:5-18?

      Read Romans 4:9-22. Come up with a summary of how we are saved and what part works play?

Note to teachers/students - This is one of the most amazing passages in the Bible. As a parent, to put yourself in Abraham's place is unimaginable. Of course if you knew the ending before you started up the mountain I guess it would be possible (as long as you didn't tell your wife where you were going). And that is exactly what faith is - believing God is who He says He is and confidence that He will do all He has promised to do. Abraham knew God wasn't a child killer and that God had promised to make a great nation of Isaac. Since God doesn't lie, Abraham by faith could pass this test and become the "Father of Faith". Faith is what saved the OT saints as well as the NT saints. Faith isn't "faith" unless it is accompanied by actions. For Abe to say, "yes, I believe you will give me land and make Isaac into a great nation", but not leave Ur or not obey God and offer Isaac ,would show he really didn't believe God. It isn't faith plus works, it is faith that works. Sometimes God will give us tests to see if we have legit faith. Now that is complicated because He already knows if our faith is real, so these tests really are for our benefit to test and see if we have true faith. So why does God say to Abe, "Now I know..."? My guess is it was just what Abraham needed to hear to go to the next level. (see clip)

          There are many symbols in the OT pointing to Christ and this is another. God had to sacrifice His one and only Son like Abe but in God's case, there was no ram caught in the thicket. Fortunately in our case, even though God demands death for our sins, he supplied His Son - our ram caught in the thicket - who paid our debt for our sin. WOW!!

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