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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kid's Devotion - Self Image

1. Watch the following video

2. Doug trivia - What is Skeeter's little brother's name?
3. Why was Doug afraid to have his picture taken?
4. Was he the only one afraid?
5. Why did Doug suddenly feel like he had a big nose? What does this tell you about pointing out things on people?
6. How did this change Doug's behavior?
7. Read Ps.139:13-16  Isa. 45:9-12 and Ps 45:11  and Eph.2:10  .What do these passages tell you about the way you look?
8. Why did Doug feel better about the way he looked?

Note to parents; In this video, Doug is told by Dale that he has a big nose. Of course Doug has had one his whole life but when someone pointed it out it became that much "bigger". We have to be very careful about pointing things out on people because everyone is insecure. (4 people tried to fake illness to get out of pictures and Roger was self-conscious about pointy hair) We should rather be the ones like Patty who says things to complement and build up people. Kids also need to remember that God made them just the way they are to be uniquely different from everyone on the planet and He thinks you are beautiful.

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