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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Thoughts on Romans - Day 34

                                    Romans 12:6-8

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

       When we choose to receive God's grace and receive His salvation freely offered through the cross we receive the Holy Spirit inside us who makes our spirit come alive and transforms us from the inside out. Not only does He transform our character (fruit) but he gives us some or a supernatural ability to benefit the body of Christ, our new brothers and sisters in the Lord. Everyone according to this verse gets one. How exciting. It's like Christmas - for my wife. Or Mother's Day. Or her Birthday. She always seems to get gifts that benefit the rest of us. However in my defense she has been giving me vacations for Christmas lately which tends to benefit her too.

      There are a few principles you can see in this passage on gifts. First of all, the implication is that if they are given to us to benefit others, then we must be with others. When I talk with "Christians" who don't belong or go to Church and ask why they aren't they normally give a slew of justifications, Rather than argue with them, I usually tell them that some Church is missing a leg. They look at me puzzled but I explain that Church isn't just about them. They have been given a gift to benefit the body and some body is suffering and incomplete because they aren't there. They never have a comeback for that one because people don't see Church in terms of giving but rather getting. This is why I have problems with people who drive an hour to go to the "perfect" Church on Sunday. Unless their gift is giving money, they would be unable to serve that body all week long. They better give very generously!

      Next, did you see the word "grace" associated with gifts? The unmerited favor of God has given us these. We didn't earn them. God thinks that I am uniquely fitted for certain gifts. Therefore I can't complain about the gift He has given me because I didn't even deserve a gift. I can't envy other people because they are totally unresponsible for their gift, it was given to them too. Also, there is no hierarchy of gifts. We tend to specially honor those who have the leadership gifts whereas those who are cleaning the church or visiting shut-ins go basically unnoticed and unrecognized. This shouldn't be the case. Also, our human nature, wanting to be recognized might try to get in positions of leadership which we are ungifted for and people will suffer. (ever sit in a boring Sunday School class? - don't answer that)

       Lastly, we are to use these gifts wholeheartedly. Realizing that you have these gifts, refine them. Go to conferences, read books, ask for advice, use them and make them the best they can be. If someone is wanting to take you in another direction at Church that you aren't gifted in, tell them - "That really isn't my gifted area." I have floundered in the deacon ministry many years because I am embarrassed to say that as a Doctor I really don't have the gift of mercy. Nor do I have the gift of administration or service, and all 3 of these are pretty important if you are a Deacon. That isn't to say as a Christian that I shouldn't strive to and be increasing in my ability to serve and show mercy but it isn't in my "wheelhouse". I have agreed to being a Deacon in the past in hopes that it would grow me in these necessary areas in my Christian walk but I end up doing a bad job and it takes time away, I feel, from using my other gifts. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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