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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Kid's Video Devotion - How Do You Become A Christian?

1. Watch the following Doug Video

2. Doug trivia - What kind of cologne does Roger wear?
3. Who did Roger want to date? How did he spell her name? What did they have in common?
4. What did he try to do to win her over? Was he successful?
5. What did Julie do about it?
6. Pretend Julie is God and we are Roger. Look at the following verses and tell how they relate to us and God and this video;
        Isa. 55:8,9
        Isa. 64:6
       Rom. 7:18-25
       John 3:3-7

Note to parents/teachers

     OK, granted, this is a heavy one and maybe better for teens. The whole concept of comparing "Joodie" to God requires deep levels of abstract reasoning. (but if your kids are left handed - right brained- they will probably get it - ha) In this video, Roger wants to date Judy but they have nothing in common. Try as he might, with great effort, he can't succeed to become like her. When he finally stands before her, she wants nothing to do with him and in front of everyone dumps him. And the funny thing is he is glad because once he sees what she is like he doesn't want to be in her presence. Wow. Does that remind you of anything? All religions except Christianity are trying to reach God by imitating Him through sacred teachings but the problem is He is Holy which means "other". God is completely other than us. It is like trying to play golf like Tiger Woods, swim like Michael Phelps, hoop like Michael Jordan ... you completely can't do it. Because of this we can't enter God's presence because He is Holy and you aren't. It's like entering a sterile operating room in street clothes - it can't be done. So try as we might, try as Roger might, we can't enter into that relationship and all our efforts are in effect putting a ladder against the wrong house. Eventually when we stand before God He says, "Depart from me I never knew you." What hope do we have? Jesus died on the cross to cleanse us and make us born again thru the Holy Spirit. In other words, he put God inside us, if we just receive him (John 1:12, 3:16) How could Roger have gotten Judy? If the spirit of Judy or the Thesbian actor she was in love with had entered Roger's body, he would have had new desires, actions, friends, etc. and he wouldn't have had to work and fail to become like her and pleasing to her, it would have happened automatically. That's what it means to become a Christian.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Kid's Devotion - Being Kind to Strangers

  1. Doug Trivia - Who sits in front of Chalky?
2. Who was mean to Fentruck? What did he do? Why do you think he did it?
3. Why did Patty choose Fentruck as her lab partner?
4. Are there any "different" kids in your school? How are they different? How do you treat them?
5. Are there any new kids in your school, sunday school class, or youth group? Have you befriended them? Why or why not?
6. Have you ever been in a situation where everyone knew everyone else and no one knew you? How did you feel?
7. Read Matt. 25:31-46   What were some of the things the sheep were rewarded for and the goats were punished for?  If you are kind to strangers who does Jesus say you are being kind to?
8. Read Exodus 23:9  What does this say about how we should treat people different from us?  Why?

Note to parents:
    In this episode, Fentruck moves to Bluffington from Yakestonia. Despite looking like everyone else, he talks different and Roger always feels better about himself by bullying the weak and different. If you watch Dougs you can tell that Roger has a low self esteem and is very self conscious so he hides that by taking the offensive and picking on others. He also is jealous because the girls are paying attention to Fentruck and not him. Let your kids know that bullies usually have significant problems and they should be prayed for and pitied rather than hated.
   Jesus relates to the different people as He came from Heaven to a world that didn't know Him and He was so different He was hated. Talk to the kids about how Jesus was different from everyone else. Because of that and the fact that His chosen people were always aliens wherever they went, Jesus has a heart for strangers that we need to have. Encourage the kids that when they see someone sitting all alone at lunch or youth group that they need to go over and be "Jesus" to them. Be their friend even if it means that they get picked on too. That's how "sheep" act.