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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Are You a Squatter?


        As an owner of several rental properties, I've been intrigued/horrified by the nightmares that owners have gone through when a squatter moves in to their unoccupied home and refuses to leave.This involves getting a lawyer and the police involved and can take up to a year to finally evict them because of squatter's rights, and then who knows what the condition the house will be left in? The cost to the owners can be astronomical and once the squatter is out, who is to say another can't move in?

        I don't think one has to have a Biblical moral code to see this as being wrong. However, if you deny the existence of God, or a moral law outside of us, I wonder how you can say it is wrong? But that's a different direction than I am going today. Where I am going is comparing our body to a house for our soul that God made and thus owns and has the rights to. This is a Christian concept that is reiterated throughout the Bible and I'm sure is a major stumbling block to people becoming Christians. Unbelievers would have to acknowledge that they have to surrender control of their lives to God and make Him Lord/master. To do this would in their eyes give up autonomy and freedom although true freedom is found in following the right rules and being under the right authority, but we aren't going there either.

      Where I am going is if God made you and has rights to you and you are refusing Him access to your life, you are behaving no differently than those squatters. The Bible speaks of man being at enmity against God and this is why. Man is saying, "God, this body is mine to do what I want with it and I will not let you in." In fact this is the unforgivable sin - my will be done not" thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." When one stands before Him at the gates of Heaven He might justly say "Thy will be done.I will not violate your free will so I let you go to the place where you are on the throne."

     What is the remedy?

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." Rev. 3:20