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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kid's Devotion - Learning Compassion

1. Watch the video
2. Doug trivia - What school did Doug go to?
3. Why was Patty so bothered that Doug knocked down the house?
4. Read the following passages and
5. What is the best way to understand the trial or trouble someone else is going thru?
6. How does Jesus understand what we are going thru?
7. How did Doug finally understand what Patty was going thru?
8. What did Doug do to make Patty feel better?

note to parents; Kids are self centered and concerned about their own lives only. That's why they frequently say or do things that hurt other's feelings. In this episode Doug learns the importance of putting himself in other people's shoes and when he does he learns compassion. Point out that this is what Jesus did to become an effective High Priest for us, so that He can identify with everything we are going thru.

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