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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Kids Devotion - Conscience

1. Watch the video
2. Doug trivia - How many Man-of-Steel comic books are there in the set? (Ans.- 100)
3. Doug was missing one comic book to complete his collection. Which one was he missing?
4. How did Doug obtain it? Was he sinning by buying it? Explain?
5. When he found out he bought stolen merchandise was he sinning by keeping it? Explain
6. Read the following verses in Rom. 14:22,23 These verses pertain to a behavior not spelled out as right or wrong in the Bible which was eating meat that was sold in the marketplace after being offered to idols. These are good principles because there are a lot of things not really condemned in the Bible that aren't really good for us to do. See if you can name some of these.
7. What were some signs that Doug's conscience was telling him he was doing the wrong thing?
8. What were the results of his giving the comic up?

Note to parents.
Although Doug did buy stolen property, I believe he did it with a clear conscience. You may want to talk to your kids about ways to know you are buying something stolen (buying out of a trunk, whispering, done in secret, too good of a price to be true) Tell them that they are not only encouraging them to steal more but also they are actually guilty too of a crime of buying stolen merchandise. Once Doug found out it may have been stolen you could tell his conscience was bothering him. Some of the signs were guilty feelings as seen in his imagination, running away when he saw Mr. Scully, trying to justify it to other people like his dad but phrasing it in a favorable slant. The problem was his conscience was telling him he was wrong and to hold onto it was a sin. Read Heb. 8:10-11 Explain that God has put his law in our heart which we call conscience. If there are things we do that don't specifically disobey the Bible, God will let us know if it is wrong thru our conscience. It is important for the kids to learn to listen to their consciences otherwise the conscience will get hardened. Also point out how our sin affects so many others and when we do the right thing everyone is blessed.

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