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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kid's Devotion - Risking being laughed at

1. Watch the Doug Video

2. Doug trivia - Who was the one friend of Doug's not embarrassed to be seen in a swim suit?
3. What happened to Doug at his grandma's house? How much time did he have to lose weight before the swim party? How did he do it? How much did he weigh after he lost it all? Was he anxious to swim then? Why not?
4. How many people were swimming when Doug got to the party? Why weren't they swimming? What does that tell you about people?
5. What made them all go into the pool? What does that tell you about people?
6. Read Judges 6:11-16.  How did Gideon view himself? How did God view him? Whose opinion mattered? Tell the story of Gideon as best as you know it. (If you are unfamiliar or have an extra 6 minutes)
7. Read Philippians 1:12-14.   Where was Paul in this passage? Why was he in jail? What did his imprisonment do to the other believers?

Note to parents: In this Doug episode, we see that Doug was self conscious because of his body image. (We will go into this topic more in a later episode where Doug discovers he has a big nose) The thing I wanted to focus on though is the surprising yet true revelation that all his friends (except Bebe) had the same feelings of imperfection that they were afraid to reveal. Our kids need to learn that noone has it all together and everyone is afraid of being laughed at. What they need to learn is that God sees them as a mighty warrior. He thinks they can do anything and His view is the only one that matters. Also they need to realize that when one person stands up and risks being made fun of, it usually frees everyone else up to do the same and be real and have fun. Maybe this is why kids get drunk - so they lose their inhibitions or blame their stupidness on the drink?? Or why costume parties are so raucous - because they can hide behind a mask?? Wouldn't it be great if our kids were bold to risk being made fun of because they are confident in who God thinks they are? Wouldn't that affect how bold they/we witness for Christ too, if we weren't afraid of being made fun of!

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