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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Growing in Christ Bible Study Genesis to Revelation Week 11

Read Exodus 20 - 31

List the 10 commandments                                                                           











Read Ex.20:2. What one word shows that they aren't "saved" by obeying the 10 commandments?

Watch the video below that discusses the purpose for the law.

Read Matt. 22:34-40. Jesus says the 10 commandments can be divided into basically 2 commands. What are they?   
 Put brackets ({) around the one group and brackets around the other group to the left of the numbers.

Read Matt. 5:22,23,28. Jesus seems to be adding to the 10 commandments "crimes of the mind". However, one commandment (at least) does deal with thoughts rather than actions. Which one is it?

Which of the 10 isn't repeated in the New Testament (Ex.31:16,17)                                       

Read Heb 4:1-11. Suggest why this may be the case.                                                         

Read Rom.7:10-13. Why was the law given?                                                                     

What did it's function become?                                

Read Gal. 4:1-7. What do you see as the function of the Commandments according to these verses?

Read about the instructions for the tabernacle. Read Hebrews 8:5. Why was God so specific about the details?

Read 2Sam.6:3-7. Why was God so specific about the poles?

Look at the diagram below of the tabernacle. Look at theNew Testament verses below and tell how the different parts of the Tabernacle point to Christ and our salvation

The Gate - John 14:6, Matt.7:13,14                                                                             

1. The Brazen altar - Col.1:22                                                                                     

2. The Laver - Heb.10:22                                                                                             

High Priest - Heb. 2:17,18                                                                                      

Priests - 1Pet.2:9                                                                                                    

3. Table of shewbread - John 6:35                                                                                    

4. Golden Candlestick - John 8:12                                                                                    

5. Altar of incense - Rom. 8:34                                                                                        

Holy of Holies - Heb. 9:24                                                                                             

Curtain - Mark 15:38, Heb 10:20                                                                                    

6. Ark of the Covenant - Heb. 10:19-22                                                                         

Sacrificial lamb - Heb. 10:8-10                                                                                      

Atonement cover - Rom 3:24-26                                                                                    

Note the order that these items appear. Relate this to the Christian experience.

What do you learn from Bezalel in chapter 31? (Col.3:17)

Note to students/teachers
Wow, what a pivitol passage! For the next year the Israelites will be at Mt. Sinai. And what a growing process for Moses. From seeing God as a burning bush now, due to radical obedience and fellowship he now sees God as a burning mountain so intense everyone was afraid to even look at it. God now gave His people some laws. Note they were already His people thru the blood offered on the doorposts by faith. Now an invitation to a closer walk with God. If you do these things you will please God and have a blessed life. They all promised they would but it didn't take long to reneg.

Note the order of the commands; the first four dealt with loving God, the last 6 loving "man". The 10th foreshadowed the Sermon on the Mount where not only our actions declare us guilty but our thoughts. Coveting was like that also. A lot of people think the Sabbath was fulfilled by Christ as he entered Heaven and rested once and for all and we can now rest from our works. Still, our bodies need a rest one day a week (Ex.23:12) and it also, like tithing, is a testimony of faith that God can make our 90% and our 6 days more plentiful than if we kept 100% or worked 7 days (Ex.16:29,30) This may be why the N.T. church worshipped on the 1st day rather than the 7th to celebrate its fulfillment.

The tabernacle was God's "dwelling place" among the Israelites. Today Christ dwells inside us individually because Christ came and "tabernacled" among us. (John 1:14). We receive forgiveness of sins through His death for our sins (1Pet 2:24) like the sacrifice on the Brazen altar. Christ is the only entrance into this standing (Acts 4:12) just like the one gate in. But that's just the beginning. We need daily cleansing of sins (John 13:10, 1John 1:9) like the laver and we need to daily feed on Christ (Matt. 4:4) as we walk in the Light (1John 1:7). Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us so we can boldly enter into the presence of God thru the curtain- Christ's body. Isn't that cool! Once again the bottom line, the culmination is entering into God's presence. We think prayer is a means to an end (receiving our requests) but prayer - entering Gods presence- is the end in and of itself. Just like the Israelites were delivered not to go to the promised land but into God's presence at the mount! We are now to be a kingdom of priests, daily ministering to God and people, worshipping and bearing one another's burdens. But this doesn't need to be accomplished by all of us quitting our jobs and being hired by the Church. Notice the testimony of  Bezalel. The Holy Spirit annointed him and he became a great craftsman. God has given you abilities. Turn whatever you have in your hand - like Moses' staff - and let it become the "staff of God"

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