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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Kid's Video Devotion - Judging Others

1. Watch the above Doug video
2. Doug trivia - What is Bebe's last name?
3. How did Doug judge Bebe wrongly?
4. How did Bebe's mom judge Doug wrongly?
5. How did Doug judge Roger wrongly?
6. Read 2 Sam. 10.  .
  How did the Ammonites judge David wrongly? What was the result?
7. Have you ever judged someone wrongly? Recount the episode.
8. Discuss 1Cor. 4:5 Corinthians+4:5&version=MSG

Note  to parents/teachers.

In this episode, there is a lot of judging going on. To a certain degree we are told to judge in the Bible. Kids especially need to look at other kids behaviors and decide how close of a friend they should be to someone if they are behaving poorly. That is a form of judging called discerning. However, in this passage, peoples motives were being judged for their behavior. 1Cor.4:5 says only God knows motives. Doug judges Bebe Bluff on the basis of her rich mom while Bebe was really a very kind and humble person in this episode. Her mom thinks Doug made her look bad so she would lose and this was totally wrong. Doug thought Roger would make fun of him, while Roger also was trying out. David was being kind to the Ammonites and they thought he was spying them out which ended in their destruction. Be very careful when you say, "(S)he is only doing this because..." God is the only one that knows motives because He knows the heart. Therefore, always think the best of people. If their motives are wrong, they will be exposed.

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