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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kid's Devotion - What Makes You Happy...Forever


1. Watch the Doug video
2. Doug trivia - What is the name of the lake in Bluffington?
3. What did Mr. Dink think would really make him happy?  What happened when he decided he would never reach that goal? When he did reach that goal how did he feel? What became his new goal?
4. What makes you happy? Do you think you would get tired of it eventually?
5. Watch the following link.  . What did Tom Brady think would make him happy forever? Did it?
6. Read the following verse and memorize it  . What does David say will give us pleasure forever? When does eternal life start?  .

 Note to parents; In this video Mr. Dink (Bud) thinks that finally catching Chester will make him happy. He invests a lot of time and money and when it seems impossible he loses hope and becomes depressed. Then when he does catch Chester, not only does he realize he is smaller than imagined but it didn't satisfy him and he let the fish go. As soon as he does that, he gets mad at Chester again and sets his goals on catching him. What a picture of life living for this world; nothing satisfies even supermodel girlfriends, good looks, millions of dollars, fame, success, and 3 superbowl rings. But, if we are saved, we start living forever the moment Christ comes into our hearts. He gives joy and contentment that the things of this world can't give us. And then, we get to live with Him forever in Heaven where there are pleasures forever. Are you focusing your kids attention on the things that give eternal or temporary pleasure?

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