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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Kid's Devotion - confessing

1. Watch the following Doug video

2. Doug trivia - What is Doug's middle name?

3. What does Doug do wrong in this episode? Why is this so bad? Have you ever got into trouble in a similar way?

4. What were some of Doug's schemes to remedy the situation? Did they work?

5. Who almost took the blame? Was Doug happy about that? Has anyone ever gotten accused for something you did? Did you confess?

6. Finally, Doug confesses which he should have done immediately. (actually he did try with embaressing results) What were the consequences of his behavior?

7. Read Numbers 32:23   My parents would always quote this to me as a kid. What is this verse telling us?

8. Read Lev.5:1  How does this apply to this Doug?

Note to parents;
       In this Doug, Doug Yancey Funnie gets in trouble mainly because of boredom. When kids get bored, they get into trouble. Make sure your kids stay busy! Doug draws a non-flattering picture of his teacher which is a  disrespecting authority and as the verse in Numbers says, "Your sin will find you out." You will see that your kids, if they are believers in Jesus, will get caught every time. God will keep them on a short leash because He doesn't want them to have a lot of baggage that is going to impede them being mighty for the Kingdom in the future. The best and most freeing thing your kids can do is come clean, take their punishment, which may not be as bad as they think, and have a clean conscience. They need to know that staying silent while someone else takes the blame is a sin against that person and God. They should never do that!

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