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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Kids' Devotion - Jumping to Conclusions

1. Watch the above Doug episode
2. Doug trivia - What is Skeeter's favorite dessert?
3. What wrong conclusion to Skeeter arrive at?   What bad things happened as a result of him assuming this without getting all the facts?
4. Have you ever jumped to a wrong conclusion before knowing all the facts? Explain. Did something bad happen because of it?
5. Read Joshua 22  and explain what happens in this little known passage of scripture.
6. Read Prov. 13:16.
   How does this relate to this Doug episode.

Note to parents
     In this episode, Skeeter gets partial information and jumps to wrong conclusions. Because of this he causes pain to his parents, causes his best friend great grief, causes himself harm (misses his favorite dessert) and causes others to lie for him. In the passage of Joshua, a civil war is almost caused because 9 tribes (probably just a few people riled everyone up) misunderstood 3 tribes' noble actions. We should always gather all the facts before thinking something bad has happened or is going to happen and always assume the best of someone. If you assume the best of someone, then if you get partial information that casts a bad light you can say "I know they are a good person and obviously we don't know all the details. Lets give them the benefit of the doubt." Your mind, if left alone, can imagine and fabricate a whole scenario that is completely erroneous. We need to have minds that always think the best.

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