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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Kid's Devotion - Treating Everyone The Same

1. Watch the following Doug episode

2. Doug trivia.
     What is the name of the school team?
3. Why was Patty wearing a disguise? 
4.  Look at this definition of prejudice from Websters on line dictionary
       preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge
  an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics .  What are some common prejudices today?

5. Who was the coach prejudiced against? What were some of the coach's sexist statements or behaviors?
6. Read Gal.3:28,29. . What were 3 groups that had prejudice against each other? Why did Paul say that this was a sin?
7. Read John 1:45,46.  What was Nathanael prejudice against? How do we do this? What does Phillip say is the remedy?
8. Read Numbers 12:1. . Who were Miriam and Aaron prejudiced against? Is this an issue today?
9. Who have you been prejudiced against? Confess it to the Lord and ask for deliverance.

Note to parents
    In this episode we see Patty having to disguise herself because the coach thought boys were superior to girls. The coach is a very unlikeable character which is good because sexism, racism, etc. make a person very ugly. We experience this all around us where women get less job opportunities and less pay, African Americans (Cushites from Num. 12:1) still fight an uphill battle, and Hispanics are disliked for" crossing the border and taking our jobs" (I just heard that this week) Also, we tend to have a lot of pride in where we are from, which is good, but not when we think people from other nations, states, cities are inferior to us. Just look at the fights at High School football games and most of them come from Nathanael like statements. We need to realize that God made all of us and He loves us all equally. Technically, we are all related to Noah so we are all relatives. Phillip said, "Come and see" to Nathanael's prejudicial remark. Maybe that's what we need to do; get out of your bubble and get to know people from other areas. Maybe you will find that they are no different from you!

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