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Friday, November 22, 2013

Kid's Video Devotion - Jealousy

1. Watch the Doug video
2. Doug trivia - Where did Lamar Bones go to college?
3. Why did Roger want to take over the news show?
4. How did he take it over?
5. Read Mark 15:9,10  Why did the Pharisees really want to kill Jesus?
6. Read  Acts 5:15-18   Why were the apostles imprisoned?
7. Read James 4:1-3  How does James define jealousy? What does it cause? How does he say we can fight jealousy?
8. Have you ever been jealous of someone? What bad thing did you do? If you aren't anymore, how did you defeat it?

Note to parents.
   Things went great with the first broadcast until fans started swarming Doug and Patty. This made Roger jealous - he wanted what they had . This caused him to lie, plagiarize (take credit for someone else's work), and make Doug inadvertently humiliate Mr. Bones (who went to Bloatsburg University) in public. James says that this is what causes most of the problems in the world and it certainly was true in the crucifixion of Jesus and imprisonment of the disciples. What James says we should do about it is if we don't have something, ask God for it because God has given you everything you have and if you are jealous you are basically saying to God, "You haven't given me enough!" However, if you are asking for something for selfish reasons, don't be surprised if He says, "no". Let's be content with what we have and love people genuinely so that we are happy for what they have even if it is something we don't have.

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