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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Favorite Christian Albums of 2013

 Okay, here we go. Just remember, music is like pizza - everyone likes a different style. In descending order...

10. Nice comeback by the "Kings of the Comeback". KMax at vocals just doesn't do it for me

9. Very good album by Phil Wickham. Would have ranked higher except his voice always sounds whiny to me. Very good song writer. Contemporary sound

8. I Like the husband and wife pair's sound and song writing is great. Very balanced. At least 7 songs I liked which normally would have ranked higher except when I compiled my list of top songs of the year I realized that I couldn't pick any of their's because they all were the same
7. Thank goodness Plumb has left the lullaby genre! What a comeback! Would have ranked higher if it were more "Christian" and had a better album cover - OUCH
6.  This album is probably the best of the year by The Almost except on deeper listening, it just isn't all that Christian. Great crossover potential though and technically one that Christian music can be proud of
5. Dare I put a Christmas album in the top 10? YES, if it is Falling Up. Just goes to show how great they could be if they would quit doing their theme albums about books we have never heard of because they wrote the unpublished book.
4. Very good worship album with a number of songs most churches will be singing if they aren't already. Matt may have passed up Chris Tomlin on this one
3. Music TobyMac would be proud of and he even helps on one of their songs. Great sound and very Christian. Youth should embrace them given a chance...
2. Every year I have to pick an obscure album but I love their sound. Best rendition of 10,000 Reasons that I have heard. Some of their songs remind me a little of the Eagles.
1. I wavered on this one between 1 and 2, but so as not to incur my children's mockery, I made them #1. They are David Crowder's band sans David Crowder and have made a very good debut album. This probably wouldn't be #1 most years but it was a weak year regrettably for Christian music.

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