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Monday, May 12, 2014

Kids Video Devotion - Looking on the Bright Side

1. Watch the following Doug episode

        2. Doug trivia -
          What are the names of the Beets band members?

      3. Name all the bad things that happened to Doug and Skeeter. How many things did they cause?

       4. Name all the good things that happened to Doug and Skeeter.

       5. Do you think they will look back on this and consider it a good experience or bad? Why?

       6. Do you know who the first king of Israel was? Do you know how he got to be king? Read 1Samuel 9:1-20 and 10:1. What bad thing happened to Saul? What good thing happened to Saul?

       7. Now look at Joseph. Read Gen. 50:15-21. What bad things happened to Joseph? What good things happened to him?

        8. Read Rom. 8:28. What does this verse mean to you?

        9. Have you ever had something bad happen that turned out for good? Explain.

Note to parents/teachers

       The Bible is full of examples of people who had bad things happen to them, some due to their own bad choices, that God used for good.Joseph got sold into slavery to save his family from a famine. Saul lost his donkeys to meet Samuel and get anointed king. Persecution broke out in Acts which made the Christians flee which spread the gospel. Paul was shipwrecked so that he could end up on Malta and bring the gospel there. He had an illness that landed him in another town. He ended up in jail so he could lead the jailer to the Lord. Not to mention Jesus who for the glory set before Him and the salvation of the world died on the cross.
    God has a plan for your life that only you can accomplish and He is going to allow things into your life, some of them painful, some of them caused by your own stupidity or sinfulness, that are going to shape you and move you into a place where you can do that job for Him. In this episode, Doug missed out on tickets but then got some from Judy. Then he met a real live trucker but then missed his ride and was stranded in the middle of nowhere. Then a policeman took him to the concert but he didn't have his tickets. Then he got back stage passes and met the Beets. As Christians, bad things always happen for a purpose. Non-Christians believe in fate, luck, etc. because they have rejected the One who created them and rejected His plan over their life. Their life will have an unhappy ending. That's why we desperately need to witness to them. Our life will end at something more glorious than a Beets concert and maybe if God allows it, we will even get to see why we went through the tough times here on Earth before He explains it all to us in Heaven.When bad things happen don't get too bummed out. Look for the good that God is going to bring through it.

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