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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Why is God so narrow minded?

Hey friends. This is my first attempt at a blog. I hope this whole blog sight helps you grow in Christ and also serves as a resource sight to help you help others grow. As Tim Tebow would say, "God bless"

Also I found a link to a song that talks about it. It was my first ever "Jesus Rock" album from Explo 72 which was a Christian "Woodstock". The band was Armageddon Experience and the song was "One Way". Its funny to listen to it. Christian music has improved so much over the years in quality but not in clarity of message. Every song back then was clear and to the point.

Here is a clip from one of my favorite preachers ,Peter Briscoe, doing a comparison and contrasting of the major religions. Some people say, "Don't all the religions basically teach the same things?" The answer is NO

Here is a clip from Poseiden Adventure saying there is only one way. How unfair. Maybe people balk at that because they don't believe the peril they are in.


  1. Will you be doing all audio blogging or will there be text, as well? I have dialup connection and it takes quite a while to download videos and audio files. I'm downloading this blog now and look forward to hearing it in it's far, I've heard the first 4 seconds. :)

  2. Sorry, at this point just audio. I couldn't find a transcript for it
