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Monday, March 19, 2012

Kids Devotion - Inferiority Complexes

1. Watch the video
2. Doug trivia - What dance did Doug invent?
3. Why was Doug not going to the dance even though he was going to dance with Patty?
4. Who told him he didn't know how to dance?
5. Why did Roger tell him that?
6. What did Roger tell him would happen if he tried to dance?
7. How did Doug get over his fears?
8. Read Nehemiah 4:1-6 . Sanballat and Tobiah didn't want Nehemiah to rebuild the wall for their own selfish reasons. How did they try to stop him?
9. Read Nehemiah 6:5-9  How did they try to stop him a second time.
10. Has anyone ever told you that you were bad at something or didn't know how to do something?
      How did it make you feel?
      Have you ever said that do someone?
      Why did you say it?
      Have you ever been like Patty or Skeeter and tried to encourage someone who felt inferior?

Note to parents/ teachers

     Kids can be very cruel. They may tell other kids that they can't sing, draw, play sports. They may tell them they look funny when they do something or wear something. And usually it is because of ulterior motives - they want to be the best. When kids are told things like this they need to ask
1) Does this person have something to gain by me quitting?
2) Is the person my true friend?
3) Am I afraid of being laughed at?
4) Have I received compliments in those areas before by people I trust?
5) What do my parents think?
     Note that when someone cuts you down and makes you feel inferior, it is hard to overcome. However it can be. First of all, like Nehemiah, turn to the Lord. He is the only One you need to impress and his praise is the only praise you should seek. Secondly turn to friends. They will encourage you. And always be that kind of friend. Never be like Roger, Sanballat or Tobiah! Be like Patty and Skeeter and tell people how awesome they are and say, "yes you can!"

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