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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kid's Devotion - Should Christians be "green"?

1. Watch the video
2. Doug Trivia - what is the name of the recycling business in Bluffington?
3. What was Doug's mom's #1 concern?
4. What was Doug's and Skeeter's #1 concern?
5. How did Doug and Skeeter incorporate his mom's concern with theirs?
6. Read 2Thes. 1:12 and Ps. 106:47 According to these verses and many others, why did God save us?
What is the function of creation?
8. Read Gen. 2:15.  What was Adam's job from the beginning?
9. In lieu of all these things, come up with a philosophy on environmentalism.

Note to parents;
This one admittedly is a little heavy for kids. However, they are inundated with environmentalism in school from an early age. Global warming, recycling, polar bears floating away (don't they swim?) fill their curricula. How are we as Christians to view these things. I think we can be on board with them for totally different reasons. They are teaching them from the view that the Earth is our Mother. We have evolved from the primorial soup millions of years ago as did all the animals. They are part of us and we should treat them all with respect.(Why do they value whales more than fetuses and isn't it good when species become extinct? Survival of the fittest - you know?) Also they feel that this Earth needs to continue forever because they don't believe in the eventual recreation when Christ comes back. We don't believe in either of those things. We however believe that God made us and nature to Glorify Him. When God made the Earth He said it was good. It is His masterpiece. How can we not take care of it like curators in a museum taking care of works of art? This was Adam's job from the beginning. Also, in light of the fact that the world feels this strongly about environmentalism, what a bad witness for us to litter or not take care of the Earth. We like Doug have an agenda. The world, like Mrs. Funnie has another. It is possible in this instance to make our agendas meld.

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