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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Kid's Devotion - Judging People

Watch the following Doug video

1. Doug trivia - What was Doug's aunt's name. What city did she work in? What was the channel number and 4 call letters of the station?
2. How did Doug feel initially about being on TV? How did he feel after finding out what show it was? Why?
3. Tell something that you do that you are embarrassed for your friends to find out.
4. Who found out? What was he going to do to Doug? Why do you think he would do that? How should Doug have responded?
5. Why didn't Roger carry out his plan?
7. Have you ever made fun of, or accused someone of something that you have done also? Give an example. Why did you do it? How do you think God feels about this?
Note to parents:
In this episode, Doug does something for someone that he is embarrassed about. Note that he was willing to make a fool of himself out of respect for Aunt Betty Ann (channel 12 WBLT Bloatsburg) which was a very noble thing for him to do. Ask the kids if they would have done that. Doug should have a good enough self - esteem that he doesn't care what others think but unfortunately like most kids his age they don't want to be laughed at.( Maybe do this devotion tomorrow )  Encourage your kids that they are awesome and God thinks so too and chances are that the kids making fun of them have done the same thing but have too little self confidence to admit it and feel better about themselves by making fun of others.
The Bible verses talk about judging. We as Christians have a tendency to pick on and accuse people of the very things we do. Of course we forgive ourselves for doing it because we had a legitimate excuse but they don't. They are sinful, we were tired. I heard a pastor say that when we stand before God, He could judge us without the Bible. He could take off the invisible tape recorder around our neck that records every time we judge someone and then use it to judge us using our own standards of right and wrong that we have placed on others. God desires mercy not judgment (James 2:13). Lets not be hypocrites. Lets leave the judging to God and leave the forgiving and mercy to us in order to lead them to the mercy of God found in Jesus death on the cross.

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