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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Thoughts From Luke - Day 27

                                        Luke 6:46-49

Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? 47 As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. 48 They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 49 But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.”

        Here in the Bible Belt, you can ask anyone, "Have you been saved?" or "Are you a Christian?", and 9 times out of 10 you will get a "Yes" response because they have had ample opportunities to pray the prayer at Sunday School, VBS, Music Camp, Summer Camp, Backyard Bible Clubs, etc. However, when you look at their behavior, as I discussed fruit inspecting - not judging- in the previous passage, they aren't any different from the rest of the world. What happened in their salvation experience? I think this passage addresses it somewhat.

       First of all, they never called Him Lord. (vs.46) What is a "Lord"? It is a master - it is someone who you are under their authority or responsible to. It is someone who determines how you live your life that day and throughout the course of your life. It is like a slave master only Jesus is the kind of master who cares for His servants and loves them so much that they willingly give up their freedom and become bond-servants.(Ex.21). Somehow, with the gospel we present in the Bible Belt, people get the impression that salvation is saying a prayer, which gets you a "Get out of Hell Free" card, and then you go back to living your life occasionally incorporating God into it on a Sunday morning if nothing else is going on. There is no surrender, no obedience, no change of behavior, just a date written in a Bible. Nothing could be further from the truth. Salvation means there is a new sheriff in town and you have become the deputy, Barney.

     Secondly, Jesus says, "everyone who comes to me". Salvation is relational. The closest it gets to that for most people in the Bible Belt is a memorized prayer at supper or bed time once you have children. Where as point one on its own can come across as rules, religion, legalism, point two clarifies that and says we obey because we love Him. How do we get to love Him? How did you get to love your spouse? By spending time with him (her). At first you were infatuated but the more you got to know your spouse, the deeper your love became. My wife and I often laugh when we look back 35 years to when we were married and think about how little we knew each other at the time we said "I do". Salvation takes you from the point of infatuation with God - you were moved in a moment to go forward , to a love relationship with the Living God who walks with you, talks with you, instructs you, weeps with you, picks you up, directs you - basically He becomes Who you live for. (John 6:68)

     Lastly, it is necessary to dig down deep. A changed life with a new master who we willingly serve and obey out of a love relationship, doesn't happen without digging deep. I am often amazed at how many lives are changed by something like Bible Study Fellowship, or home group Bible studies, verses Sunday School or attending Church, revivals, crusades, etc. Why the difference? Bible studies are causing you to dig deep - to get into the Word yourself and hear from the Holy Spirit. They allow you to hear the voice of God speak to you personally rather than being spoon fed in an audience of hundreds. These quiet times don't disappoint. The Word of God does not return void. It is how you get to know God.

      When the storms of life come, a life surrendered to, in love with, and built up on The Rock withstands. It doesn't get divorces. It doesn't require nerve or anti-depression medication. It produces Godly children. It gives away wealth rather than hoards. Are you the house on the rock or the house on the sand? Get off the sand - get on the Rock.

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